Wednesday, September 5, 2012



Dear C.,

I hope I wasn't too overly cynical in my last e-mail. I am, in most essential respects, optimistic: though cognizant of the muddy playing fields that have been imposed – pressed upon us. Coming from a heart that prefers a forthright skyway; I am not very fond of muddying the trail. All this talk of doing the right thing, while considering what new physical limitations, let alone national, let alone global developments may deter us from achieving what is expected, leaves me unpropitiously estimating, "What next?".

Yesterday, I was without internet and phone service for five hours, (a tornado in Newcastle County?) – and this morning the power went off while I was working on line, ( a transformer blew at Sams?) Speaking of Lame Adventures!

I hope you are accomplishing all you desire.




Saturday, September 1, 2012

Passing on the Right

Passing on the Right

I love the smell of iodine in the morning ; for that matter I love it in the afternoon, evening and all night ; I don’t want to be anywhere other than near the ocean. It is no wonder that the earth is made up of over seventy percent water. I could never be happy on Mars or Venus, although it pleases me to have them so near . I have been adaptable at times ; some of you would argue this point, you know who you are, but, your untruthiness be told , it was simply that your agendas and quotas were not being met ; often or not it was your unrealistic and distorted expectations driving you to pronounce me as inflexible. Anyway, I would like nothing more than to be compassionate toward those who would harm me, but, there are too many assholes passing on the right.

– Robert Pennington Price